Tag: training

Long-line Lacey

Great training session with Lacey last night.  She was introduced to the long line and given a few minutes to learn how to navigate without getting tangled in it, and to learn its 20-foot boundary. Then, we got down to business and started working… Continue Reading “Long-line Lacey”

CGN Trial and More

She did it. Glimmer did it.  She successfully passed her CGN trial this past weekend! She needs some fine-tuning, but overall, she did a fantastic job.  Now, it’s onto the next step: Preparing for the International Therapy Dog test.  This certification is required in… Continue Reading “CGN Trial and More”

Testing for Trial

Today is “Free-walk Friday” – the day where Glimmer gets to control the walk.  It’s her reward for working hard all week. But because her CGN trial is tomorrow (we’re very excited!), I’m going to be working her through all of her lessons. As… Continue Reading “Testing for Trial”